Saturday, June 30, 2007

Can I get an AMEN!

Whoever said no two pregnancies were alike was right on the money. For instance, with Mr. B, I felt great all the time, had no cravings, was barely affected by him making his home in my belly. I was never sick, according to MB I had major pregitude, ate all kinds of spicy foods and even though I gained way toooo much weight, I felt quite lovely!

Now BG comes along and I have been sick, gagging constantly, constantly craved tomatoes, have gained very little weight but feel like I have been beaten by the ugly stick!!! And every ounce of my being aches!!!!!

However, one good thing though that my sister was kind enough to point out is that I have already begun the labor process!!!!!!! I never really dilated or progressed with Mr. B. I was sent in to be induced with the help of cervadil and some 28 hours later, Mr. B made his mark on the world, and his mommy's heart. So after a bit of a freak out session on Thursday, I went to the doc and discovered that I am dilated 2cm already!!!! YEA FOR BG!!! WAY TO BE READY TO GET IT DONE!!!! This makes me very happy. But I must also point out that my sis was dilated at 5cm for several weeks at the end of her second this doesn't mean she's headed here now. It just means that my body is more ready today than when I went to the hospital with Mr. B. And again.... that makes me very happy.

So on to the Thursday freak out session....I like to think that I was just making sure that my office could handle the pressure if I go into labor know, could they pass the test/trail run!!! AND THEY DID!! And if you know me well, you know I am not the biggest fan of my Thursday club meeting that I won't name here, so it was opportunity to skip out on it AGAIN!!!!...all kidding aside, I was quite worried Thursday morning when I had a continuous sharp pain in my belly on the right side, I decided that I needed to check in with the doc, because this didn't feel normal. Doc decided to see me right away just to be sure that nothing was wrong. Turns out it was probably a contraction. BG's heart rate was around 139, my blood pressure was normal and things look fine. I had a contraction right in the middle of the exam, which I didn't even know I was having!!!

This was all exciting news because my Dad's birthday was coming up on Friday, and there was a full moon (if you believe in that stuff) and no offense to my friends at work....but I am just tired of being there. Really because most everything is done and I feel like I am a lame duck for the next few weeks. Alas, Dad's birthday has passed, the full moon is no more and I am working today (Saturday). Still no baby. I am sure she is perfectly happy snuggled inside there. And if you heard screams from her brother like she does every day, and barking dogs and such, you'd want to stay in where it is safe too.

So before I go, I just want to pay homage to my favorite little boy. I was going through some videos from his birth and into his first year, which I haven't watched much at all. I can't believe the miracle of a child and how it impacts your life. This little being who is so fragile, but yet soaks everything in is amazing. I can't believe he's closer to four than three and is going to be a big brother!!! It is so funny to watch because I am heard in the background, coaxing him to say ball or tractor or truck....and now there are days when I think to myself, does this kid ever shut up?!!! HA HA! I do think think that some days, but he truly cracks me up most of the time. He's got such a wit.

So I thought I would share my sweet boy's first picture. My how the time has flown. What a sweet little guy!!! I can't wait for him to meet his sister!!!!!!!!!! We will keep you posted! Only 2 weeks left! YEA .

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