Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Latest doc visit...

Am writing with one eye closed...I'M SO TIRED!!!!!

So, Sunday started off the crazy week with the A/C downstairs getting clogged and leaking all throughout one area of the room. YUCK! Lucky for us, we caught it really quick and were able to get things sorted and mopped up. However, now it looks like a bomb went off down there because of all the stuff spread out drying. But we were saved with the floors and several boxes that had little of importance in them soaked up the water.

Monday, I made my 36 week trek to the dr. We had an Ultrasound that turned out to be pretty great! I wasn't expecting much after seeing the incredible images from the 4D machine, but lo and behold, little BG blew us some kisses! It was so cool. Must of been sucking in the amniotic fluid but it looked like she was greeting us with kisses. So cute! So the tech tells us that she is measuring at 6lbs and 13 oz. Now, what that means is....NOTHING! These numbers are never on target. They could be off by 8oz either way. So I don't get my hopes up that she's gonna be right in line with Mr. B. It just shows that she's doing well. Thank goodness.

I took my Glucose test again on Monday. This is a follow up after the 20 something week one. Just I guess to test any last minute changes. I hoo. Now, for those of you who don't know about the glucose test visit here: Thank goodness for my sis, she's here and went with me to my 3hr test today. She failed this with both pregnancies so she talked me through what to expect and went today and cheered me on. Basically, if I failed the 3 hr test today, that means I have gestational diabetes. View this link for more info: Bottom line: this really is no threat to my health after the baby is born and BG should be just fine, just a little bit big. Now, it is an inconvenience, eating habits must change drastically and I'll have to prick my finger four times a day. But, again, thanks to my sis, I have very little worries as I know that this is manageable...and thank goodness -- I only have a few weeks left. Imagining that you find out in early pregnancy and are required to do this daily for 20 or more weeks. So, just another hurdle to my day. No biggie. And no worries please.

Really, I am about to pass out...going on to bed. Mr. B has been having the time of his life at bible school this week. He's a mess. Thanks for ready all!!!!

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