Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Momma's boy...NO DOUBT!!!

So i had to take Mr. B to the doctor with me today. Routine two week checkup, BG's heart rate sounded good, I lost a pound (secret little yea for me!), we talked a little about "the end," usual stuff.

Mr. B behaved well, he took some cars to play with and wanted to look out the window to see what was going on and such. So when it came time to get my blood work done (which I already despise) I groaned a little. I sat Mr. B on a little bench across from me so I could keep an eye on him and prepped him that I needed a shot today. "No mommy, you don't want a shot," he said. " I know, but I have to. I'll be okay," I reassured him.

So as the tech whipped out the syringe with needle on the end, Mr. B gasped, his eyes welling up with huge tears and belted out "WAAAAAAA, I DOOON'T WAAAAANT MY MOOOOOOMMY TO GET A SHOOOOOOOOOOOOT!" (this happened over and over) He cried for a good three minutes with HUGE crocodile tears, I got a good giggle out of it (with a few tears myself). It took much convincing that I was okay. Even when I picked him up he freaked because I sat him in the arm that got the shot (right in the bend of my arm). So I let him touch it to make sure it didn't hurt.

He lucked out and got a lollipop (me too) for his traumatic experience. Hey, it feels good to be loved I tell ya!!!! And I am very happy that I have a momma's boy!!!

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