Sunday, March 4, 2007

BG seems to enjoy food as much as I do. Everytime I swallow the first bite of a meal, she kicks me right in the gut. It is still pretty faint, but nice to know that she's there. I have only gained 13 lbs with this one. Technically the next 19 wks should bring about a pound a week. I am praying that doesn't happen because Lord knows, I don't need it! But I have been very proud of myself this time, with 60 pounds packed on with Mr. B, even if I gained 1 lb a week between now and her delivery, I am still at half the weight gain. Doc says I only need to put on around 27 lbs. I am trying to stick to that.

Went to a wedding tonight of a friend whose mom used to work with me. She passed away unexpectedly around two years ago and it was a very emotional wedding for me. The minute I laid eyes on Michael--he wasn't even down the aisle yet-- the gates opened and I boo hoo'd like a baby. Maybe it was the hormones, or maybe it was just the emotion of how proud I am of this guy. He's a great "kid" (only 10 yrs. younger than me) and is so gracious and kind. I am so happy for him, he really relied on his mom for everything because they basically only had eachother for most of his life. So to see him so responsible and such an adult just made me beam.

I have decided that this is a blessing that I am not having any more babies after this one, because I think I am just too tired to do this again. I know why women say to have babies when you are young. Now, I am not claiming to be old by any means...but I have never felt so worn down in my life. I did feel a bit of accomplishment today when I straightened the house a bit, but realized that I could only complete this because I didn't have to work today. Boy am i beat. Can't wait for MB to get home...he's been gone for three days, will be home for two and then off again for another four days. I hate times like these.

So goodnight all! Gonna try to get a solid 8 hours of sleep tonight.


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