Tuesday, August 28, 2007

LOL Moment with Mr. B

First the good news...BG is a month old and already weighs 10 lbs and 7 oz!!! She's two lbs and two oz bigger than her first pediatrician appointment after her birth! WOW!!! In just four short weeks she's gained a lot of weight. She's doing great!!!

So Ms. BG gets a little cranky sometimes...the joys of not being able to tell mom and dad what's wrong!! I was trying everything....rocking, bouncing, patting, burping...you name it. Mr. B was sitting close by trying to watch the latest Backyardigans episode, when I plainly stated, " Well Mr. B what are we going to do with your sister?!" He said "Take her back to the hospital." I nearly wet my pants laughing so hard....the love of a brother!

Have a nice day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just like the Brown Men-