Greetings y'all!
Went to the doctor on Tuesday. Check up was fine. BG's heart rate was 151. Only 18 1/2 lbs gained so far. I am down four pounds at 28 weeks with Mr. B. Yea! I took my Glucose have to drink this yucky orange stuff after fasting all morning, then wait an hour and have a gallon of blood drawn from your arm...ok not a gallon. So I passed! Which means that I don't have Gestational Diabetes...
Well, it is probably no q
uestion that this baby will be in the "pink"-- but after the load of stuff I got today, its official! One of my best pals just found out she's having a boy so today she unloaded THREE bags of pink (some other colors too) clothes in all sizes on me!!!! Lots of cutie stuff...I in turn will be unloading some of Mr. B's stuff to her as well!
Mr. B is doing good, he stayed out of school yesterday due to a bit of an upset tummy. After a 3 hour nap, he seemed to be a new kid! He did fine today at school too, so I assume he's feeling better.
Mr. B told me again today that I had two babies in my belly!!! Let's hope the doc and Ultrasound are right...we certainly aren't expecting two, but Mr. B predicted the girl - so you never know!!
FINALLY!!! Someone actually commented that I don't have long to go now when I told them I was due in July. As you know from previous posts, most everyone gasps in horror and clutches their chests like "holy COW you are that big and you have that long to go!" I made the girl repeat herself, and told her I loved her!!!!
Only a week to go until MB comes home. We all miss him and can't wait for him to get home! I am POOPED! Everyone have a great night!!! Check back soon.
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