Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Thought(s) for the day...

Bryson is still saying some funny stuff...here is a nugget for your enjoyment:

Bryson told me that his friend J (older brother of C) told him that girls were hot. (Imagine my feeling: heart in throat...I look at MB panicked...I look back at Bryson...back at MB....back at Bryson...WHAT IS MY CHILD SAYING?). He calmly says "I told J that girls were cold, not hot, boys were hot so girls have to be cold." Well hallelujiah! I let the air out of my chest with a big sigh of relief!

Mr. B actually likes his sister, much to the surprise to those of you that know him, I understand. Many of you have made comments that he totally ignores her when she's around. OK by me, at least he's not stuffing blueberry muffins in her mouth while mommy is in the other room (ahem, yes, I speak from experience -- thanks older brother). So the other day
B says: "Mawm(because that is what MOM sounds like in Brysonspeak), Mr. J says that I can't marry my sister," again I begin to freak out inside wondering where this is going.
Mawm says: "Mr. J is right B, you can't marry her, you won't always get along with her anyway, you'll eventually find someone you love a whole lot more than her."
B says: "But MAWM, I love Carleigh." (alright everyone -- AHHHHHHHHH)
Upon telling that story to one of my friends, she calmly says: "Guess you're moving to West Virginia!" HA HA HA I for one think he'd fit in quite well here in TN.

OH, and by the "weigh".....I have joined Weight Watchers! Just got back from my first big weigh in and lost SIX pounds! YEA ME! Ok, it is the first week and I don't expect to get much farther next week....But I need support and encouragement, because with all the birthday parties we attend, it sure is hard to pass up the cake!! I LOVE ICING!

Have a great DAY!

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