Tuesday, September 25, 2007

9 weeks old...

BG is 9 weeks old now! I can't believe it. It makes me sad, just to know that so much time has passed so quickly. I'll blink and miss this, I'm afraid. BG is hysterical! She's smiling like crazy. She wakes up with a grin, she looks at nothing and smiles. Her brother makes her laugh by tickling her feet.

Some things I have learned this week:

1. Don't travel with two small kids for 9 hours by yourself.

2. when one of you has to take a bathroom break, you all have to take a bathroom break.

3. Illinois Rest Area's are awesome - they have playgrounds

4. Mommies don't glisten, they sweat!!!!

5. Cracker Barrel makes me happy.

We've just come back from a great trip to my parent's house in St. Louis. We spent some time with my sister too. We took Mr. B to Grant's Farm. I've included some pics below!

Funny story of the road trip: Mr. B's Gagaw (that's Brysonspeak for Grandpa) loaned us the Magellen GPS for the trip -- which was AWESOME! SO as we are driving along, "Maggie" told us to turn left. MB has been working with Mr. B on his directions and he's very good with them....so he says "MOOOOOOOOM! Which way did we just turn?" I told him we turned right. In a most persistant voice, he replies "Mommy, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TURN LEFT!" Very funny.

So here is Part 1 of the photos. ENJOY! I'll post more later:

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