In a friend's blog today, her last statement is to stop and count your blessings today. I think that is a great way to start the weekend!
Here's a little of why:
So last night MB, Mr. B and BG went with me to the Waffle House for dinner, yes peeps, I love breakfast for dinner, and although we were planning to hit the nearest Chinese place, for some reason we chose the Waffle House. As we went to leave and pay, the waitress told us and the other family sitting next to our table "You meal has been taken care of." WHAT? MB and I looked at each other oddly...well ok. As we were leaving we asked the waitress about a certain older couple who had been sitting near us, and she said yes, that they had picked up the tab for our meal and the other family. Why... I asked her, to which she replied "She's in here a lot and does this sometimes." So for whatever reason, we were picked to receive a little blessing last night. I have a dear friend who's going through some troublesome times, who loves to tell me that angels are everywhere and favors, or gifts, should always be considered a blessing. I've learned to accept that the hard way.
So thanks to the dear couple who was kind enough to spring for our dinner last night...
That is a great, Katie. What a wonderful surprise. I would definitely consider that a blessing.
Several months ago, Hubby, Kiddo and Little Bit were at Cracker Barrel and someone sprang for their lunch. He never did figure out who it was.
There are angels floating around and they show up at the most unexpected times!
And speaking of blessings...our most recent blessings (the baby girls) are nearly 2 now and they still have not had an opportunity to play together?
Shall we rectify that sometime soon?
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