ANYWAY! Miss C had to go to the doc yesterday because this little thing called Mommy's Intuition told me something was just NOT RIGHT about my sweet little girl. Yeah, sit back and hold your breathe for a sec.....she had a dislocated elbow....yes, you read right....a D I S L O C A T E D E L B O W.
Didn't I feel like a guilty, horrible mother at that exact moment that Dr. spilled out the diagnosis. Yeah, yeah, I hear all of you at your seats making jokes about me being the abusive mommy and all....well trust me, I don't beat her or her brother, although sometimes Bryson may feel like his mommy is so abusive, and if you listen to him talk to his friends/family/stuffed animals...Mommy is already on Santa's naughty list for this year!
Here's the lo down....doc says it is a very subtle injury that can happen a number of ways...changing her clothes, big brother pulling a toy away from her, quickly reacting to something that causes her (or mommy) to jerk quickly, and for those of you who have older kids/nephews/nieces etc. swinging older children around in circles by their arms or picking them up over pudddles in the parking lot, etc etc you see where I am going with this.
So while I sat there physically sick, Dr. P popped her tiny elbow back into place and after being in shock for a moment (C not me) she reached right up with that previously limp arm and grabbed fiercely for her cute little sparkly personalized paci!!! So, she's all better now. You wouldn't have known that this kid couldn't move her right arm without assistance a few moments before.
Looks like I have been disqualified for the 2008 Mommy of the Year Award already, just 3 days in...After the 2007 incident of locking the kids in the car, do you think I am on the Bad Mommy "Watch List"?????
Don't feel bad about it. Nursemaid's elbow is quite common. When our daughter was about that age we went to quick care twice for this. The second time the doctor showed us how to pop the elbow back. Which saved trip #3. No lasting effects our daughter is now 7 and very active!
I understand exactly how you feel! Charlie fell when he was about 1.5 (somewhere aroune there). He was walking behind me, there was nothing in his way, he didn't trip over an untied shoe lace or anything like that - but down he went. Right into the brass fireplace tools where he split his eyebrow wide open. Screaming, blood, doctor, stitches - the whole works. And I was RIGHT THERE!!! Yep - I completely understand how you feel.
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