Monday, May 7, 2007

2nd post of the night...Where babies come from, according to Mr. B

I hope you are all sitting down - I almost peed my pants at the restaurant tonight.....ok, well I almost pee my pants all the time right now, but who cares....This was too good not to share, and I was really afraid I would forget if I didn't write this in the know, I really hope you all think this is as funny as I do!!!! I may be just humoring myself here...but I had a good laugh. That's what is important.

Back to the story..... Mr. B is eating fine, finishing off his dinner and his treat of ice cream that KP promised him last night. He stands up in his seat, grimacing and holding his belly...I am in panic mode --"what's wrong, do you have to poop, are you going to be sick," etc.....Mr. B says "My tummy hurts, I have a baby in my belly and it is kicking me," he proceeded to tell us that it was from the ice cream that he was eating...that's how the baby got in his belly...oh, and that is how the baby in mommy's belly got there....right....all the ice cream....right!!!! Well, he does know his mommy loves ice cream.

So did you learn something from this? Babies come from ice cream. For those of you taking other protective measures, don't worry about it...lay off the ice cream.

Oh, and he also made friends with Willy. Willy is the owner of the restaurant we went too. He thought Willy deserved a big hug. Willy was glad.

I am going to bed...hope you enjoyed the laugh!

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