Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Spring is in the air!

WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY!!!! I love spring in OR!!! I can't wait for the leaves to start budding and the grass to green up. It is a great time of year. Mr. B and I spent the evening at the playground...the black playground as he calls it...because there is a huge wooden structure that he plays on and the wood is kind of a grey color. There is a purple playground too, its near our house. We like that one as well.

Mr. B is timid though. We have been to various play areas in restaurants that have the tubes that kids play in and he just won't go without getting upset. One day MB had to get another kid to guide Mr. B out because he was stuck, and crying. He is so nervous and cautiously steps over the playset, which is huge btw. It makes me wonder if the BG is going to open the gates with a no fear attitude. I have heard that about a lot of second kids. Can't wait to see their differences.

We went to our old neighbors house in Kville last night. They have two kids older than Mr. B and he always loved playing with it was a real treat. There were about six kids there in total and they had a ball. Suddenly Mr. B comes running into the room where all the adults were, with blue goggles on his head and a play screwdriver in his hand and yells, "Mommy!! We're DANCING!" Well let me tell you, my kid can cut a rug. His favorite thing to do is shake his booty. He bends all the way over and puts his hands on the ground and shakes his booty in the air. Now I must say that I didn't teach this particular dance to him, although we've learned many together, but I do encourage him to do it often. It is so funny!!! So glad he got my dancing skills and not his Dad's (sorry MB)!

Spring weather brings lots of fun for us as I imagine we won't be inside much these next few months. I was hoping that we'd be able to enroll Mr. B in a sports activity, but no luck at his current age. Oh well. We'll find more to do!

BG seems to be doing ok, she's moving a lot especially at night...I am not feeling so hot today though, but I think I just ate too much. MB is out of town again for the week.

Got to run get the pizza put away that is on Mr. B's tray. Mattie B is giving it the evil eye...she's sneaky when it comes to people food. Will post again soon.

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