Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Looooong time gone...

Hello all! I've not posted in so long. I haven't meant to its just that what I wanted to post I couldn't!!! So best to just keep away!

So here goes....we are pregnant! Expecting number 3 in September and a little terrified! LOL! In a good way. Mr. B decided last night that the baby is a boy, naming him Rex is a good idea and that he's gonna live in his room, so he can be close to me and Mr. B can keep and eye on him. LOL!

Mr. B also asked me if he had to go away to college? I think that is probably a great idea for the boy, but him....not so much. He asked "But who's gonna take care of me?" HOW CAN I BOTTLE UP THIS INNOCENCE AND KEEP IT FOREVER?! He also decided to be a Chemistry major because Dad told him he could make things blow up! He's crazy! Iasked him how he knew about college...his response: "Weeeeeeeeelll, on Hannah Montana....." OK, I get it kid. You watch entirely too much tv!!!

We are currently reading Beverly Cleary's The Mouse and The Motorcycle! What a fabulous throwback to my childhood. I can't wait to whip out the Beezus and Ramona books next! SO FUN.

Promise to post more soon. BG is dandy! She's a big girl with a big vocabulary. She especially loves reading to herself. You can hopefully see that here;


JMS said...

YAY!!! Congratulations! You know, though - I wondered if that was the reason for your staying away so long. LOL! Let me know if there is anything you need!

Love ya!

April said...

Congratulations! Hope things are going well! Ava and Adalee send kisses to the cousins!