Friday, September 28, 2007
2nd post of the night...
More photos from trip home...
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
9 weeks old...
Some things I have learned this week:
1. Don't travel with two small kids for 9 hours by yourself.
2. when one of you has to take a bathroom break, you all have to take a bathroom break.
3. Illinois Rest Area's are awesome - they have playgrounds
4. Mommies don't glisten, they sweat!!!!
5. Cracker Barrel makes me happy.
We've just come back from a great trip to my parent's house in St. Louis. We spent some time with my sister too. We took Mr. B to Grant's Farm. I've included some pics below!
Funny story of the road trip: Mr. B's Gagaw (that's Brysonspeak for Grandpa) loaned us the Magellen GPS for the trip -- which was AWESOME! SO as we are driving along, "Maggie" told us to turn left. MB has been working with Mr. B on his directions and he's very good with he says "MOOOOOOOOM! Which way did we just turn?" I told him we turned right. In a most persistant voice, he replies "Mommy, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TURN LEFT!" Very funny.So here is Part 1 of the photos. ENJOY! I'll post more later:
Monday, September 17, 2007
8 weeks are gone...

Sunday, September 9, 2007
Just some new pics...
Mr. B had his first soccer game on Saturday. We didn't get pics, but got lots of video. They had this huge tunnel for the kids to run through and when they announced his team, I was ready to get some photos of him running in....and he never came through. Turns out he had a little bit of a freak out on the other side. Luckily MB was with him so they walked back to the field together. But Mr. B would play the part of the game because he was scared. But I have some funny video of him and MB on the field together because MB had to get out there with him....remember folks, this is Upwards Soccer - no one cares as long as everyone is having fun!!! ANYWAY! He ended up getting out on the field and having a blast. I don't think he scored any but it was fun to watch. Here's an old photo of him from Easter that I pulled off my cell phone....

Hope you all have a great day! I'll post more soon.
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Because we can't leave BG out of the "Game"....
Mattie doesn't want BG to be left out in the cold! Check it out!