Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Looooong time gone...

Hello all! I've not posted in so long. I haven't meant to its just that what I wanted to post I couldn't!!! So best to just keep away!

So here goes....we are pregnant! Expecting number 3 in September and a little terrified! LOL! In a good way. Mr. B decided last night that the baby is a boy, naming him Rex is a good idea and that he's gonna live in his room, so he can be close to me and Mr. B can keep and eye on him. LOL!

Mr. B also asked me if he had to go away to college? I think that is probably a great idea for the boy, but him....not so much. He asked "But who's gonna take care of me?" HOW CAN I BOTTLE UP THIS INNOCENCE AND KEEP IT FOREVER?! He also decided to be a Chemistry major because Dad told him he could make things blow up! He's crazy! Iasked him how he knew about college...his response: "Weeeeeeeeelll, on Hannah Montana....." OK, I get it kid. You watch entirely too much tv!!!

We are currently reading Beverly Cleary's The Mouse and The Motorcycle! What a fabulous throwback to my childhood. I can't wait to whip out the Beezus and Ramona books next! SO FUN.

Promise to post more soon. BG is dandy! She's a big girl with a big vocabulary. She especially loves reading to herself. You can hopefully see that here;